The Floor is Currently Shirtless O'clock
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Run to the hills, the floor is currently shirtless o'clock!!!
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 Time for a post

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Posts : 7
Join date : 2008-05-22

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PostSubject: Time for a post   Time for a post I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2008 6:33 am

So yeah I have been really busy here and havent had much time for the inter-tubez so here goes a stream of consciousness post. first off the happening is by far the stupidest movie of ALL time!!!! the fucking trees are trying to kill us because the we humans are bad bad people and should all hug trees......................yeah ok M. night why dont you get the dick out of your ass and right some real movies.

next there are NO jobs I have been trying! to hard! i am about to beg for least we have jobs at UP lined up. hrmm what else nothing much is going on here beside us shooting more stuff with potatoes and yeah watching movies american psycho= great, the exorcist = scary, the strangers =dumb but a lil scary. no real partying, just hanging out playing games.

I will try to keep updated every so offen, but for now this is captain john hurbert walker texas Phd randel scout Sutton signing off
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Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-05-20
Age : 35
Location : B-Town

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PostSubject: Re: Time for a post   Time for a post I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2008 5:34 pm

I hope you were drunk when writing this cause your grammar/spelling sucks... Razz

I'm just kidding. So, things have been pretty busy there? What have you been most busy with? I've just been going through the routine of life over here. Work, eat, workout, frisbee, eat, sleep on weekdays and get waaaay too smashed on weekends. Dnd is gonna start soon over here, which will be nice! Smile

Well Mr. Sutton, hope to hear more about your adventures soon.
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