This is Chris BTW. I'll try reviewing last nights show, which was great. There were performances by High On Fire, Job for a Cowboy, Children of Bodom, In Flames, and Megadeth.
I'm almost sore, that crowd was absolutely nuts. The crowds I saw in Portland look downright tame when compared to last night's crowd. I think it's mostly because the show took place in a university sports arena filled with crazy people. Seriously, the mosh pits covered more square feet than my house.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on the performances:
High On Fire: I wasn't too thrilled with these guys, though they didn't bore me. It's cool that they were a metal trio, which isn't seen too often. The riffs were aggressive and fast but forgettable, and I wasn't a fan of the vocalist or his sloppy guitar solos. But they were ultimately all right. for a Cowboy: I really kinda hate this band and its fans, but they put on a good show. The bassist was cool because he looked way Irish, and the band really got the crowd involved. I enjoyed their performance, but I still don't like their music. of Bodom: Here's where things started to pick up. All of my expectations for Bodom were met and surpassed. Alexi was somewhat drunk, but it had no effect on his performance. I think they had the wildest mosh pits, but I couldn't tell because I was pretty much at they very front. The only downside to Bodom was their setlist, which comprised of seven songs, only two of which were from older albums. Their new stuff is great, but I would have loved to hear their older songs. I guess I just have to see them when they headline a show. Flames: They were good, but not quite as good as Bodom. Thankfully for me they played a lot of songs I was familiar with, but hardly any old stuff. I'm not sure if they even played any old stuff at all. You always need old stuff, everyone likes old stuff. But what new stuff they played they played pretty well. Anders actually forgot the lyrics to one of their songs, which turned out pretty funny. Overall they were good. Amazing. They started with Dave Mustaine's microphone turned way too low, so I could only hear his voice after they got through a few songs. But man, I couldn't ask for more from them. They played ALL of their good stuff, everything I wanted them to play. And their current guitarist is a beast. Even Dave Mustaine can still take care of lead guitar after disabling the nerves in his left hand for two years in 2002. Yeah, they put on a hell of a show and played all the good songs. Actually, they didn't play Mechanix. Now that I think about it, WTF, no Mechanix? Regardless, awesome show., so... Hi guys.